10 Tips for Writing Effective Email Copy

Writing Email Copy That Works

Launching an email campaign? Data Axle USA’s helpful tips for writing email copy can assist you every step of the way.
  1. Know Your Target Audience: Visualize your audience. Who are they? What are their pain points? By understanding their challenges, you can tailor your message to their specific needs and write copy that motivates them to take action.
  2. Write a Strong Subject Line: Your subject line will drive recipients to open your email, delete it, ignore it, file it, or filter it as spam. Make sure your subject line communicates your message precisely. Most importantly, keep it short and sweet.
  3. Focus on Benefits: List the benefits of your product or service, rank them in order of importance, then pick the top two or three to talk about. Your readers are spending precious time reading your email – make sure it’s worth their while.
  4. Be Clear and Concise: You only have a few seconds to grab your recipient’s attention — do it with a simple, powerful message that clearly states who you are and how you can help.
  5. Break Up the Copy: Recipients should not have to wade through long sentences or big sections of text. Use subheads to help recipients focus on important details, and bullets to quickly explain the benefits of your product or service.
  6. Inspire Action: What do you want your recipients to do? Read an article? Call or email? Buy something? Make it easy to do business with you by including a clear call-to-action.
  7. Use Strong Words: Experts agree these words can pack a powerful punch in email marketing: You, your, discover, free, healthy, easy, introducing, gain, new, money, advice, results, sale, proven, benefits, effective, save, value, now, win, right, why, most, safe, and guaranteed.
  8. Create a Sense of Urgency: An expiration date can often move the procrastinator from prospect to customer. You have to give them a reason to buy your product, and a time constraint could be the extra motivation they need.
  9. Use Testimonials: Word of mouth is an excellent way to sell your product or service. Ask your favorite customers to write testimonials about their experiences with your company, and use one in your next email campaign.
  10. Mind your P’s and Q’s: Always use a spell checker and proofread your content for errors. Also look for HTML errors, broken links, or anything else that would make you look unprofessional.